CyberMentor Romania – Programul National de Management al Sistemului de Invatamant Pre-universitar
STAS ACADEMY proudly raises the bar and exceeds the standards for educational services in K12 for fighting COVID-19 in Romania. We pride ourselves on offering the newest professional solutions for students, families, teachers, schools, and the Ministry of Education regarding implementing the on-line school for the protection of everybody during the COVID-19 pandemic for the new regulations imposed by the Romanian Government.
CyberMentor Educational Kit pentru elevi si profesori
VMS STAS 01 – 02
We provide the latest technology in “on the way” retail, to maximize sales efficiency and helping people respect te regulations on social distancing and COVID-19 pandemic secured.
The units have a cooling system, digital thermometer, sanitizer disposal unit, and contactless card/phone payment unit.
We provide INTELLIGENT VENDING MACHINES to business professionals IN RETAIL to help them be part of the fight against the COVID-10 pandemic and also keep their business rolling. The pilot project will be first implemented in Las Vegas and after that, we will move statal.
We provide the latest technology in “on the way” retail, to maximize sales efficiency. All the vending machines come with an advertising screen and trips are full COVID-19 secured for selling advertising and be part of the Las Vegas lifestyle.
VMS STAS Products
We provide full medical protection products to fight against the COVID-10 pandemic all of them FDA Approved. The machines have also a digital thermometer unit and a hand sanitizer disposal unit.
Performantele automatelor VMS STAS 01 si cu specificatiile lor
VMS STAS has full online advertising and management control for the machines. This feature will be able to maximize the earnings for the retailers by selling advertising on the screens.
VMS STAS equipment has the unique features of real-time sales control and stock management for a better loading plan for the retailers. VMS STAS machines are modified for COVID-19 protection as medicine delivery products.
VMS STAS equipment has the full remote management software 24/7 and offers with some models a very high capacity to 500 pcs per unit and a storage space.
As a request of the protections for the customers for the COVID-19 pandemic and the regulations for future services, VMA STAS machines has the option for contactless payments and each delivery comes in a protective bag.
STAS ACADEMY propune instalarea a cate unei STAS VMS-01 la intrarea in fiecare institutie de invatamant din tara
Automatele STAS VMS-01 vor putea distribuii toate materialel de protectie anti COVID-19 atat pentru elevi cat si pentru cadrele didactice si personalul auxiliar. Sistemul va putea fi urmarit in timp real prin integrarea Platformei STAS Network.
Invata mai multe despre produsele de protectie anti-COVID-19 care vor fi distribuite prin Reteaua STAS VMS
3 layers Face masks
We have FDA certified with 3 Layers face masks. These are for usually personal use and it may come in two sizes.
We have three sizes of gloves: large, medium, and small for men, women, and kids. All of them are for medical use.
Home rapid tests
Our rapid personal tests are FDA approved and are easy to use and see the results.
Face shield
We develop a new model for a face shield, more fashionable, and with a hat that help people use it on the streets easier.
Ventilators nasal masks
For the ones who need to go to an ICU and they need a personal nasal mask
5 layers KN95 facial masks
the most reliable medical masks on the market approved by the FDA and recommended by the CDC
Educatia in Romania este distrusa de Guvernul Roman pe motiv de COVID-19
CDC Southern Nevada
Information regarding the Nevada situation in fighting COVID-19.
e are presenting the view of specialists that are the same opinions as our company regarding the new vision for digital signage today in COVID-19 pandemic times
ROMANIA sub stresul Arafatului si al Tatarului
Restrictiile impuse de catre Guvernarea Orban au fost cele mai multe discutabile si fara acoperire legala sau medicala!
Impunerea la conducerea “ostilitatilor” a lui Arafat si mentinerea in functia de ministru a lui Tataru – dupa ce a fost dovedit un beneficiar al masurilor sale – au facut ca acesta prelungita stare de asediu asupra populatiei si implicit asupra copiilor sa ne aproprie de un dezastru educational si medical.
Trambitarea “tabletelor” de catre Orban si tanti de la Educatie a fost doar “praf in ochi” cand NOI deja le prezentasem proiectu chiar inainte de a lua ei acea decizie.
Faptul ca nu am fost in sitemul “de-ndarat” a facut ca dupa fraudele imense cu materialele de protectie ( care de asemenea le-am prezentat inainte de implicarea UNIFARM-ului in frauda) tot nu au fost retinute ca si optiuni.
Aceasta dovedeste clar ca actuala guvernare a dispus masuri anti-nationale si cu mare efect negativ asupra vietii si societatii romanesti, pentru care acestia vor trebuii sa raspunda aatat penal cat si material.
Proiectul CyberMentor
Am prezentat prima versiune a acestul proiect in anul 2000 Ministerului Educatiei si Doamnei Ministru Abramburica. ZERO Interes! De atunci am facut prezentarea acestui proiect tuturor guvernelor care s-au perindat prin sinistra cladire din Piata Victoriei adaptat la noile tehnologii… ZERO INTERS! CUM DE ALTFEL SI ACTUALULUI GUVERN CARE ERA OBLIGAT SA IMPLEMENTEZE ACEST PROIECT! ZERO INTERES!
2000-2020 All rights reserved to STAS ACADEMY SA.
Voluntari 077190 IF Romania